Herman Melville Quotes and Captions

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Herman Melville was born on August 1, 1819, in New York City, USA. A well-known writer and novelist, Melville actually started as a sailor and merchant to help his family financially. He was nearly 30 years old when he published his first book called Typee. He managed to be financially secured which leads to his marriage to Elizabeth Shaw.

While most of his books are based on his experience as a sailor, he also published books about romance and adventure which didn’t take off such as Mardi, Redburn, and White Jacket.

Melville’s most popular book Moby Dick or, The Whale took him 1.5 years to write in 1850. However, once he finished writing, the book didn’t find its audience or readers who appreciate the book. Unfortunately, Melville died in 1891 and did not see his book Moby Dick became popular in the 1920s.

In 1857, he dove into poetry writing which was inspired by war. He also worked as a customs inspector for 19 years where he worked hard to fight corruption. Due to exhaustion from a demanding job, Melville’s health declined both physically and mentally. It was rumoured that he also physically abused his wife when drunk.

During his final years, income has been limited and his family was supported by relatives. In 1888, there was a little peak of popularity on his book in England which lead him to release two collections of poems.

Today, his books Moby Dick or, the Whale, Billy Budd, Mardi, White Jacket, Perre, and Typee are successful and considered classic books.

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“A good laugh is a mighty good thing, a rather too scarce a good thing.”

— Herman Melville

“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I’ll go to it laughing.”

— Herman Melville

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.”

— Herman Melville

“I try all things, I achieve what I can.”

— Herman Melville

“A smile is the chosen vehicle of all ambiguities.”

— Herman Melville

“No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses.”

— Herman Melville

“A man thinks that by mouthing hard words he understands hard things.”

— Herman Melville

“It is not down on any map; true places never are.”

— Herman Melville

“Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed.”

— Herman Melville

“Better to sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunk Christian.”

— Herman Melville
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Melville died on September 28, 1891, from cardiac dilation. He is resting in Woodlawn Cemetery in Bronx, New York.

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