Feminism Quotes and Captions

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Feminism or the advocacy of women’s rights is being highlighted nowadays with more and more people joining the movement of women empowerment and gender equality. We compiled a list of spot-on feminism quotes but before we proceed to that, let’s look into how and when this movement started.

The first wave of Feminism began in 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention, with three hundred men and women rallying for Women’s Equality. The purpose of this wave is to create more opportunities for women.

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Some of the notable feminists of all time include The Suffragettes who fought for women’s rights, specifically the right to vote. Simone de Beauvoir paved the way for modern Feminism. Eleanor Roosevelt, the first First Lady, took on political responsibilities other than entertaining and hosting guests.

There are many more prominent feminists aside from these three that you can also check on various articles, websites and publications worldwide. Now, here are 50 of our favourite feminism quotes. Check these empowering feminist T-shirts.

Enjoy this list of the most empowering feminism quotes. These quotes about women empowerment   via @quotesgasm
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“I do not think I ever opened a book in my life which had not something to say upon woman’s inconstancy. Songs and proverbs, all talk of woman’s fickleness. But perhaps you will say, these were all written by men.”

— Jane Austen

“Laugh as much as you choose, but you will not laugh me out of my opinion.”

— Jane Austen

“Now that she had nothing to lose, she was free.”

— Paulo Coelho

“All women have a perception much more developed than men. So all women somehow, being repressed for so many millennia, they ended up by developing this sixth sense and contemplation and love. And this is something that we have a hard time to accept as part of our society.”

— Paulo Coelho

“I think the girl who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody on earth. The sense of independence and security is very sweet.”

— Susan B. Anthony

“There will be no mass-based feminist movement as long as feminist ideas are understood only by a well-educated few.”

— Bell Hooks

“To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful, and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.”

— Hillary Clinton

“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.”

— Serena Williams

“Do not live someone else’s life and someone else’s idea of what womanhood is. Womanhood is you.”

— Viola Davis

“We need to live in a culture that values and respects and looks up to and idolizes women as much as men.”

— Emma Watson
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These quotes are meant to inspire every feminist to not give up and continue fighting for what they stand for. The feminist movement is not meant to disrespect another gender or think of them any less. It is not exclusive for women, it is for everyone who believes in gender equality.

Simply being a woman has been challenging, from the dawn of time. The ray of hope for women is just getting stronger and stronger because more and more people are being enlightened and are fighting for equality and women empowerment. That is one of the things that we should look forward to for the years to come.

I hope that you enjoyed this compilation of feminism quotes and kept your fight for equality going.


Enjoy this list of the most empowering feminism quotes. These quotes about women empowerment. Get inspired by these quotes from strong, brave, and amazing women via @quotesgasm