Travel Quotes and Captions

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To be able to explore the world, go on vacation, and travel is definitely a privilege. If you have the ability, time, energy, and money, I say go for it! Travelling the world is one of the few things you will be able to walk out knowing that something has changed, that you have learnt something, that you have a new appreciation of your life, the world, admiration from the past and hope for the future.

We’d like to make you feel better by sharing with you some travel quotes to help keep your inspiration going. Whether you’re a solo traveller or you prefer to travel with your partner, or you love going in and out of town adventure with friends or family members, check out the following backpacking quotes that will help keep your passion for travel burning.

ALSO READ: Solo travel quotes, backpacking quotes, road trip quotes, and sailing quotes


Here’s a collection of travel quotes, our goal is to inspire you and motivate you to explore the world, meet new people, learn about a different culture, meet the past, all while you take a little vacation to pamper yourself and take a little break from your daily routine or perhaps do a 360 degrees life change. Take a look at these travel quotes home decor and t-shirts.

Here's a compilation of inspiring travel quotes and travel captions to keep your excited and motivated.  via @quotesgasm
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“To travel is to live.”

— Hans Christian Andersen

“You know more of a road by having traveled it than by all the conjectures and descriptions in the world.”

— William Hazlitt

“Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly. You leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life – and travel – changes you.”

— Anthony Bourdain
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Travelling with friends, with your significant other, and yourself are all important. But even if you have a family of your own and a kid or two, that shouldn’t stop you from exploring when the opportunity arises. So, here are some family backpacking quotes to encourage you to take your family abroad.

Travelling is not the answer to everything, it’s merely one of the things you can do to better yourself in any way. Be it learning about history, meeting people, pushing your limits, challenging yourself, or simply take a break from work and daily grind of life.

I hope you that you found this compilation of travel quotes inspiring, exciting, and motivating to pack your bags and see what’s it like on the other side of the world.


A collection of travel quotes and sayings; inspiring travel quotes. Quotes about travel to keep you motivated while planning a trip or a big holiday. #travelquotes #quotesabouttravel #travellingquotes #travelingquotes #holidayquotes #quotes #quotesdaily #quotesoftheday #quotesforlife #inspiringquotes #motivationquotes #quotescompilation #quotes #quotecollection via @quotesgasm